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Who Needs a Vacation Photo Contest Finalists

| 11/7/2012

WINNER! - I nominate Kara Froelich, as she celebrates the magic of life and the opportunity to be a wonderful mother and wife!

Photo taken in West Dennis
Photo taken in Edgartown

Kara was diagnosed w/Myasthenia Gravis, an auto immune disease causing skeletal muscle weakness (worsens w/activity & improves w/rest) in Dec. 2011. Being misdiagnosed over a year, Kara suffered 3 miscarriages. Once diagnosed they immediately removed her thymus, and my son and Kara are expecting their 1st child in Dec. 2012. The Edgartown Lighthouse in this photo has a memorial at its base in remembrance of children who have died, & includes part of the poem by Tomas Napoleon "A Remembrance of an Unforgotten Vineyard Summer". How wonderful to have a photo of Scott, Kara & my grandchild in front of the Edgartown Lighthouse celebrating life & their own unforgotten Vineyard Summer!
This was the 2012 Photo Contest WINNING entry submitted by Kay R.

I nominate, my friend, Demerice Pallone

Photo taken in Orleans
Photo taken on Martha's Vineyard

Demerice is a single mother undergoing chemo and radiation for breast cancer. She is also an art teacher at a private school in Newton MA. Although the school administration has been kind and understanding, they are unable to offer short term disability.Therefore she is trying to work around her treatment, and most days she is struggling to keep up with her schedule. In spite of these hardships, she never complains. I really can not think of anyone more deserving of a restful vacation, than my friend, Demerice. The picture I entered is of the stunning cliffs in Aquinnah. Demerice has never seen this area.I know she will find peace and inspiration on Martha's Vineyard, my favorite place.
Submitted by Marie W.

MOST VOTES EARNED IN VOTING ROUND! - I nominate my son, Michael Brower!

Photo taken in Dennis
Photo taken in Dennis

Mikey has autism...and playing in the sand & water is immensely therapeutic to him!! We spent 2 days in Cape Cod this Summer. It was the most relaxed, verbal & calm days of Mikey's Summer. PLEASE send us there again...we live in Oklahoma & the beach is too far for us to afford as much as Mikey needs.
Submitted by Heather B.

I would like to nominate my Dad!

Photo taken in Chatham
Photo taken in Yarmouthport

My Dad is a kind, caring man, a hard worker, a great father & grandfather and just an all around positive, being. In many ways, he is my hero & my children's hero. He always worked, long hours every day, and never complained. Upon retiring, he was diagnosed with Cancer, endured surgeries, recieved treatments. Last Christmas he was diagnosed with Metastatic, Inoperable Lung Cancer. He’s been rec’g chemotherapy treatments & although feeling unwell from the side effects, he remains positive, never complains. He has always loved the magic of Cape Cod & I would love for him to enjoy a relaxing, peaceful visit to the Cape & Islands, the best medicine for the soul!
Submitted by Gail R.

I nominate my son, Daniel Ambia, who is currently deployed in Afghanistan where he works over 12 hours daily as a supply sgt.

Fireworks at First Night in Chatham
Photo taken in Provincetown

Daniel loved Cape Cod beaches growing up and his favorite class trip was to Provincetown. This photo captures both, and there's no place Daniel would love to bring his 5 year old son to more for a well deserved vacation after his tour ends.
Submitted by Ann A.

I nominate my sister, Jodie

Biking on Martha's Vineyard
Photo taken in Dennis

My sister, who has suffered with MS for years, was widowed in 2005 and left with two pre-teen children. After losing her husband to cancer, she herself was diagnosed in 2009 with leukemia, and underwent a stem cell transplant, thanks to our brother being a match. She's had more than her share of rough times, and thankfully, is doing well now, but hasn't had a vacation since 2003. She is one of the most special people I know, is always thinking of others, and is so very deserving! Thank you for considering her.
Submitted by Patricia V.

I nominate our dear friends, Jean and George Grubb

Treat yourself to one of the many Cape-wide farmers' markets
Photo taken in South Wellfleet

Over 6 years ago, the lives of our friends, Jean and George were turned upside down. As a pastor, George was familiar with crisis telephone calls, but he never expected the late night call. His college age son suffered a tragic accident with spinal injuries that resulted in him becoming a quadriplegic. Jean and George have been his primary caregivers, altering their personal lives to meet their son's needs. They find the quiet and peaceful beaches of the outer Cape as a healing place, but have been unable to take a vacation during these years. A trip to the Cape would be the renewal they need.
Submitted by Anne B.

My wonderful husband, who has been facing colorectal cancer with humor and grace this year. He is an inspiration to me and our 12 year old daughter.

Learn to Kayak in Eastham
Photo taken in Dennis

My husband Peter is a Nurse Practitioner who always cares for others. His gentle nature and patience has earned him the love and respect of everyone he knows personally and professionally. This year he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and he has faced his surgery, radiation and chemotherapy with a grace that I am in awe of. No matter how horrible he feels, he keeps a positive attitude, a sense of humor, and continues to be a great dad to our 12 year old daughter. We are looking forward to him finishing chemo in September, and hope to relax on a bay side beach at the Cape, and watch our daughter play in the tide pools. That is how he rejuvenates his soul.
Submitted by Susan O.

I nominate my mother. She is widowed, 81, and still full of life and love.

Cross the Sagamore, Bourne or Railroad bridges to paradise
Photo taken in Vineyard Haven

My mom, at 81, is truly the person who keeps our family, and extended family connected. She is tireless in helping others, still works part time, and also spends time caring for an elderly woman. She grew up loving the ocean, going deep-sea fishing, digging for clams and quahogs, and a vacation on the Cape for some time to rest and relax would be a great treat for her. She loves sailboats, so to see a scene like this would make her so happy.
Submitted by Jean C.

I would like to nominate Leta Kniffin, my son's Reading and Writing Specialist Teacher

Relax, read, breathe in a hammock in Wellfleet
Photo taken in Vineyard Haven

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom"" George Washington Carver

From my view, and the words of George Washington Carver; Leta Kniffin is much more than a teacher. Much like the kite that my daughter is flying in the photo, Leta has helped my son to soar and fly free, by giving him the tools and strategies that he needs in reading and writing, which will be the foundation of his education. A tireless worker beyond just the academic year, my son is just one of many examples of children that Leta has set free by helping unlock the skills inside all of us. Personally, for what she has done with my son, I am truly grateful.
Submitted by David S.