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Green vacation rentals reduce waste & fight climate change

Green Amenities

Source: Solar Rising, LLC
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Definitions, helpful instructions and tips!
Power from Renewables
You either have renewable energy sources at your home, such as solar or geothermal, or, you pay your utility company extra to get your power from renewable sources. There are many such options and the more consumers subscribe to them, the more options and lower prices we’ll enjoy.
ENERGY STAR Appliances
At least 50% of your appliances are Energy Star rated.
LED Lighting
You have installed significant LED lighting, which reduces electricity usage by 75% and lasts 25 times longer. The average home saves around $250 / year in energy costs with LED bulbs! Cape Light Compact will do a FREE energy assessment of your home and provide LED bulbs at no charge. This is funded by the Energy Efficiency Fund, which you already fund through your electric bill.
Electric Vehicle Charger
You have one at your home. Although electric vehicles may be in their infancy, traditional auto companies see the success of companies like Tesla and are all promising electric car options in the next few years. Any potential guest who drives one needs to charge it, so if you should have a charger, it’s a potential asset. Be clear on what types of cars it serves. For example, Tesla chargers only work for Teslas.
Eco-friendly Cleaning Supplies
Most of the cleaning products provided for your guests are non-toxic and not harmful to people or the environment. Overuse of high phosphate cleaners, bleach, petroleum products, crystal drain cleaners, and harsh oven cleaners can kill the good bacteria in a septic system. We do not expect you to discard existing products or insist that your cleaner use these products.
Recycling & Instructions
Recycling is provided, along with clear instructions for your guests on how to recycle properly. Obtain specific instructions from your recycler regarding the items they accept and their standards. In 2018, China started rejecting recycled materials from the West that they considered contaminated! See China rewrites recycling rules below, as well as an overview from Recycle Smart Massachusetts, part of the MA Department of Environmental Protection. Post this graphic in your home with specific recycling instructions for your guests.
Reusable Grocery Totes
You provide these so your guests use them, not plastic or paper bags, when shopping. provides these free of charge at all Chambers of Commerce, and at our Brewster and Wellesley offices (Available Memorial Day - see details).
Filtered Water
You have a filter, such as a Brita, or one on the faucet or in the refrigerator, or have a water cooler. Imagine if our 4,000 homes cut single-use water bottles by even 10%! That’s 4,000 homes x 9 weeks in summer x 7 days/week x 4 bottles/day = 1 million, so 10% would save 100k plastic bottles from being disposed of.