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  • How can I send an email to just one person?

    You can click on the email address itself in the “Contact Info” column. Or, if you prefer to send an email that contains a link to your listing, your first picture, and/or 4 months of your calendar, check the box to the right of the inquiry and then click the “Create Email” link at the top of that column.

  • What does double asterisk (**) mean next to some of my inquiries?

    The double asterisk indicates a vacationer who has elected to unsubscribe from receiving email from homeowners via the feature that allows you to send multiple emails at once. You may contact this vacationer only by sending an email directly to him or her and not as part of an email to multiple vacationers.

  • Do you recommend sending one email to past guests and another to past inquirers?

    We recommend that you send two separate emails to these two groups, as your message will be different. To past guests, you might send a friendly reminder that you are beginning to book for the next season and invite them to return. You can include any new enhancements or improvements you’ve made to your property since they were last there. To past inquirers, you would acknowledge that they had expressed interest in your home in the past and mention a few of the highlights of your home and its surroundings.

  • When is the best time to send email to past guests and inquirers?

    Although there is no specific time that’s best for emailing, you might consider the beginning of the season, when inquiries are beginning to come in, and then in late spring to attract the vacationers who have been postponing their decision about vacation plans. If you get a sudden cancellation, you could inform vacationers via this email.